Journey or Journal?

This blog began as a journey to update a marketing journal... uploaded so that other can take some ideas from it, but slowly I realized, Life to be much more than a job, a MBA and so on! small things can end up being huge events! Small events can give huge learnings!

Sep 2, 2007

This is exactly how I feel today!

As you might know I have recently resigned from ICICI Bank. I am leaving the bank at a point when the bank has been consistently performing!
Also I have performed quite decently (to be modest) with top ratings in back to back years!

Theres just one line that my super-super-boss said, that still tinkles in my head....
He said to me "You have performed quite well, you have the momentum with you. At this point of time, even if you lay back or slow down, the momentum that you have already gathered would help you secure your goals!"

That was pretty true.... but I guess I have to take that risk.... Its not that I didnt like the place or the job role or something! Its been 4 years and hell lot of learning for me!
I got a chance to grow and learn a hell lot here!

From a dud in Card Payments Systems to acquiring decent enough knowledge to be offered a role of Business Analyst in one of the Worlds top most banks! What more can I ask for!

The only problem I ever had at ICICI was Vitamin M (Money), I mean the lack of it..... I know its one thing that is never enough as much as it is..... but heck I was grossly underpaid!

For four years I was ignorant about this! but now I have finally realized the Value for money!!!!

Oh! and I know Old Spideys Uncle said, "With great powers, come great responsibilities"

Let me just add to it, "With great pay packages, comes a lot of additional responsibilities!"

I know that both the place that I have as options would exhaust me up to the last penny! but what the heck, I was never afraid of work!
By the way, I wrote this intentionally coz tomorrow if I have tough times ahead in my job! I have a commitment that I have made here, which I will have to live up to!

I am not a CopyRights expert, but all the images of Calvin and Hobbes are creations by Mr. Bill Waterson
Have found a huge collection of these master pieces on the Internet and am just re using them. If theres an issue in usingpromoting them then please do write a mail to me.


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