Journey or Journal?

This blog began as a journey to update a marketing journal... uploaded so that other can take some ideas from it, but slowly I realized, Life to be much more than a job, a MBA and so on! small things can end up being huge events! Small events can give huge learnings!

Jun 15, 2008

The R15... My View

This is purely my personal view on the R15...

Sunday mornings, with no college I have a vacuum to fill in my need for a fast life! So the gang of Mumbai xBHPians plan up a ride to Panvel just to see the R15!!!!
Let me be very candid about it, the Bike in appearance is absolutely nothing short of amazing....

Unfortunately, but as expected, YAMAHA is NOT giving any test rides...
This was expected as well since there are lots and lots of people flooding the once deserted Yamaha showrooms!

My 2 Cents to Yamaha, I would have paid you today itself If you would have allowed me a test ride.... nevertheless thou shall wait... for a bigger bike or till rains end? Ha Ha Ha.. Time will tell...

Ok So lets start!

What do I like about the bike?

Every-damn thing! The Bike looks ultra cool.. the styling and all!
Currently available in two versions, Sporty Blue, and the Raven black... .I saw the Sporty Blue and was absolutely impressed. Though I still prefer the R6 lookalike Raven black!

Some misconceptions about the bike...

1) The Bike is SMALL!
Yeah in first look the bike does look small, but trust me it is decently build...

Let me show you some examples....

I am calling this the Atom Bomb test :) I know BobbyKick and MotorBreath (xBHPians) are going to kill me for it :)

The First Atom Bomb:

Now Bobby is a huge guy! but the bike still blends with him easily!

The Second Atom Bomb:

Now MotorBreath is a reasonably lean and tall guy! but the bike still blends with him easily!

Now The torture test... Remember I am with a back pack on me.... along with me is another fellow xBHPian Kunal who is a reasonably build guy!

Now the bike looks good with all that 'load' but yeah will it run with that kind of weight is the next question!

Obviously there are some things that I did not like about the bike, so more to come!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

cant wait to read more!! whoz next in the atomic test??:P